Thursday, August 22, 2013

With Frontback, there are two sides to every iPhone photo

Depending on who you talk to, Frontback, an iPhone app for snapping a pic from both your front and back cameras, is either the next novel idea in mobile photography or something too basic, too obvious to make it as a standalone app.
Launched one month ago, the Frontback app is exactly as it sounds. The application, which has been downloaded around 200,000 times, walks you through a three-step process where you take a pic with your back-facing camera, then one with your front-facing camera, and then save or share the composite image with friends or followers.
Simple though it may sound, Frontback has a few key early-adopter fans like Twitter inventor Jack Dorsey and his parents, former TechCrunch reporter and current Google Ventures partner M.G. Siegler, and YouTube star Justine Ezarik, better known by her Internet handle iJustine. The application also counts as adviser Instagram's former lead designer Tim Van Damme.

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